At Green PI Inc. we offer engineering and energy assessments such as the following:

Feasibility Studies

At Green PI Inc., our senior engineers and project managers conduct detailed engineering investigations for organizations that are interested in the technical or financial viability of their proposed projects. Most projects require a coordination of multiple engineering specialties, and hence it is crucial to have a multi-disciplinary team that can extract high-level insights from specifics. In most projects, the feasibility study comes before the design stage, in the planning stage of the project.

At Green PI Inc., we offer a team that will perform a comprehensive engineering analysis to provide information on feasibility that will help your organization seek the permits and approvals necessary to proceed.

Energy Audits

At Green PI Inc., our approaches to energy management include energy audits, which are performed for residential, commercial, or more specialized facilities to determine energy efficiency and identify areas of improvement. Energy audits usually conform to ASHRAE standards and guidelines, varying in terms of depth: from Level 1 “walk-through assessments” to Level 3 “detailed analysis of capital-intensive modifications.” Targeted audits are also performed for special areas that your organization wants to focus on.

When you choose Green PI Inc., our multi-disciplinary team of experts will conduct energy audits to help your organization optimize its energy profile, reduce operating costs, and reach its sustainability goals.

Building Conditions Assessments

Green PI Inc. offers detailed building assessment services, with comprehensive reports and capital plans, providing actionable priorities to maximize building life and reduce costs related to repair and maintenance. Our building condition assessments include an inspection of the building envelope, investigation of interior and exterior elements, and a review of the mechanical and electrical systems. A complete building conditions assessment covers elements ranging from exterior site and structural elements to accessibility, fire and life safety systems, and building code compliance. Our senior engineers will conduct staff interviews and a review of background documents to initiate the process. During the actual assessment, each building component will be documented, with photographs to be included in the written report. The written report itself will include comments on the deficiencies, with lifespan and remediation cost estimates. A “facility condition index” and capital planning will also be discussed in the report.

At Green PI Inc., our in-house multi-disciplinary team of architects and engineers will conduct a detailed building conditions assessment and deliver comprehensive reports with prioritized elements to help your organization plan and budget accordingly.
